Everyday Gluten Free by Karen was inspired by my own story. I was born with Celiac but the doctors told my mom that I would out grow it when I was seven. So at seven I started eating gluten. I didn't have any noticeable outward reactions, so my folks figured I was fine. However, 33 years later I started loosing weight at a rapid pace for no apparent reason. Getting old isn't so bad, I thought, I'm going to be one of those lucky people who gets skinnier as I grow older instead of fatter! However, people at church started to ask me if I was okay. I was so skinny I looked like someone with cancer. I knew in my heart what it was so I went and got tested for Celiac. Sure enough, that's what it was. Many symptoms (gas, bloating, heartburn, blisters, rashes) that I'd had all my life, I found were actually symptoms of Celiac. My doctor told me you never outgrow Celiac once you have it. This diagnosis changed so much for me. Baking homemade bread and desserts for my family has always been one of my passions and I could no longer eat those things. But I was determined not to give up that passion even though I couldn't make the recipes with traditional wheat flour. I began experimenting with new flours and creating my own recipes. I wanted to make delicious gluten free food that everyone in my family would want. Everyday Gluten Free by Karen is the result of a lot of experimenting and hard work to find food that not only someone with gluten allergies would want, but gluten free food that everyone can enjoy!